Jesus Christ will return and reign on earth. But what will the world be like under His rule? What changes will He bring, and what effect will they have? Listen to discover the amazing truth the Bible reveals about the wonderful world of tomorrow.
First Episodes
Introduction and Chapter 1: The Return of Jesus Christ: The Coming Turning Point
This is the Introduction and Chapter 1 of The World to Come: What It Will Be Like. Our world faces many problems today. Is there a solution? Is there hope? The answer ...

Chapter 2: A New Government for a New World
This is Chapter 2 of The World to Come: What It Will Be Like. After Jesus Christ returns, He will establish His Kingdom here on earth. That Kingdom will be a literal w...

Chapter 3: A World Rebuilt From the Ground Up
This is Chapter 3 of The World to Come: What It Will Be Like. The world Christ returns to will be decimated by war and natural disasters. Rebuilding a world in ruins w...

Chapter 4: How Christ Will Change the World, Starting With Israel
This is Chapter 4 of The World to Come: What It Will Be Like. One of the first things Christ will do after He returns is gather the descendants of the Israelites, reun...

Chapter 5 - Part 1: How the 10 Commandments Will Transform All Mankind
This is Chapter 5 of The World to Come: What It Will Be Like. Under Jesus Christ’s perfect government, the 10 Commandments will be taught throughout the earth. What ef...